An updated version of Yats is available in the Downloads section. The main highlights:
- Implemented undo/redo for test scenario and parameter editors
- Released Yats.Ports and Yats.Utilities libraries as a NuGet packages
- Added support for Bluetooth serial ports. Also, a special PortEmulator class for testing parsers without making actual connections
- Refresh of various GUI trees without full repaint or scroll to start
- Support [Description] attributes on test case classes.
- [Description] attributes on test step parameters. Description can be changed in the parameter editor
- New test group execution method – pick and run one random child step
- Added ModbusRTU, GPS test cases
- Faster startup
- Rename stored logs, show relative size
- Open test case source code in Visual Studio from log exception display
- Improved log viewer usability: hide columns, select all test repetitions, copy messages to clipboard, relative message timestamps, jumping between failed steps
- UDP unicast/broadcast, send broadcast through all NICs
- Handle USB to Serial adapter unplug/replug during test run