All Yats test cases finish by returning one of the following results:
- NOT_RUN – set by Yats execution environment if the test case was skipped
- PASS / FAIL – returned by the test case itself
- INCONCLUSIVE – unexpected execution – the test case could not determine pass/fail or an exception was thrown during test case execution
- CANCELED – result may be returned by the test case itself or set by Yats execution environment if the test case run was canceled by the user (or system shutdown etc.)
Up to two more results may be assigned to a test step:
- Evaluated result – the test step result may be transformed by a rule. For example, if a step failure is expected in the scenario, a Fail should be changed into a Pass in the step properties (TODO: screenshot)
- Repetition result – if more than one step repetition is done, results from all repetitions are evaluated into a single result