Yats – Supporting Cancel in a Test Case

By | March 26, 2013

Some test cases may take a long time and should provide a Cancel option. Cancel is implemented by implementing the ICancellable interface (part of Yats Native test repository manager).

The following example is a Delay test that simply sleeps for a specified time or stops immediately when canceled:

 public class DelayTest : IYatsTestCase, ICancellable
         TimeSpan delay;
         public TimeSpan Delay
             get {return delay;}
             set {delay = value;}

         public DelayTest ()

         #region IYatsTestCase Members
protected AutoResetEvent waitFor = new AutoResetEvent( false );
         public ITestResult Execute()
             if(waitFor.WaitOne( delay ) == false)
                 return new TestResult( ResultEnum.PASS );
                 return new TestResult( ResultEnum.CANCELED );


         #region ICancellable Members

         public void Cancel()
             waitFor.Set( );


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