Tag Archives: Yats

Yats – Setting Up Test Case Project

This should help you to get started writing a Yats test case. We will create a Visual Studio solution, set up project dependencies and debug a very simple test case. We are assuming that Yats is installed at C:\Program Files\Yats Create a new C# DLL project: Add the following DLL dependencies to the project: attributes.dll,… Read More »

Yats – Test Repository Manager

A Test Repository Manager is an interface between Yats framework and test case implementation. Currently only one Manager is implemented in order to support test cases written in C# (classes implementing IYatsTestCase interface). In the future, repository managers for shell scripts, NUnit test cases and other tests should be added. Multiple Repository Managers can be… Read More »

Yats – Test Case Result Types

All Yats test cases finish by returning one of the following results: NOT_RUN – set by Yats execution environment if the test case was skipped PASS / FAIL – returned by the test case itself INCONCLUSIVE – unexpected execution – the test case could not determine pass/fail or an exception was thrown during test case… Read More »

Yats – Test Case Parameters

This article will show how parameters are implemented in a test case. The Yats framework uses .NET Reflection to find out and configure the parameters of a test case. When a test case is written for the Native Yats test repository, the following rules apply: