C# Structure to Byte array conversion
An utility and some code examples how to automatically convert a struct to byte array and back. This comes very handy when implementing protocols. Add annotations to your structures, for example:
An utility and some code examples how to automatically convert a struct to byte array and back. This comes very handy when implementing protocols. Add annotations to your structures, for example:
Changes in 0.9.9: New test case type support: run static methods as test cases. See more. Support discovering and running NUnit tests inside Yats. Finally, Yats can test itself. Speed up startup Various usability improvements and bug fixes Future work: I have partially implemented adding Notes to test log lines. You should be able to… Read More »
In version 0.9.9 I have implemented support for very simple test cases – a static method can be a test case. Until now test cases had to be classes. All neat things like cancelling, parameter configuration and result passing are supported. Here is one example of a minimal test case method: In order to be… Read More »
An updated version of Yats is available in the Downloads section. The main highlights: Very simple int/byte etc array parameter editor – edit as text Test case search PC sleep is disabled while tests are running Multiple speed optimizations, improved logging Port emulator – added configuration in GUI Compression is used on exported log files
Here is a code snippet how a cancellable test case can be implemented in Yats.
Here are some code snippets on how to reuse the Yats communication port configuration control in your own application. This is a bare minimum required to configure and open any port type.
Here is an example of a test case that reads a stream of data from a port. It looks for a certain packet (“OK”) and logs all stream input. In this example we use a TextLineParser but any parser can be used. The trick is to set DiscardDataWithoutParsers to false so that no bytes are lost… Read More »
An updated version of Yats is available in the Downloads section. The main highlights: Implemented undo/redo for test scenario and parameter editors Released Yats.Ports and Yats.Utilities libraries as a NuGet packages Added support for Bluetooth serial ports. Also, a special PortEmulator class for testing parsers without making actual connections Refresh of various GUI trees without… Read More »