Changes in 0.9.9:
- New test case type support: run static methods as test cases. See more.
- Support discovering and running NUnit tests inside Yats. Finally, Yats can test itself.
- Speed up startup
- Various usability improvements and bug fixes
Future work:
- I have partially implemented adding Notes to test log lines. You should be able to mark problems in the test while it is running. At the moment it is only possible to mark problems when analyzing a stored test log.
- There is a need to plot test result values. I will integrate a graphing library and allow any test result or even values extracted from text logging to be plotted in real time or during test analysis.
- Considering the awful state of Windows, I believe that the worst decision in Yats was to build it using .NET. I like c# a lot, but there is little benefit doing embedded programming and testing in windows world. The stink is getting worse every day, I need to support Linux. The core Yats libraries work just fine on Mono although I have not tested it lately. The biggest issue is the graphical interface where many third party open source controls are integrated. Not all of them work properly on Mono. Other possibilities than .NET are unattractive – porting the whole thing to Java is a lot of work. It is harder to convince embedded software engineers to start writing test cases in Java. In its essence Yats is a big dependency injection engine that uses .NET Reflection to find and run test cases, therefore whatever platform is used it should have the same capabilities as well. Any ideas?